Capacitors and Dielectric.
* Capictors (C)
Some electric device required for very high current ( 25A-50A) to start them (Static Frection) like Fan,Motor etc.
*Function of capacitors
~ stores electric energy & supply it at once (suddenly).
~ Capacitor is a connector which stores electric charge.
Capacitor-capacity to hold electrical energy
C is independence of 'Q' & 'V'
V--electric potential
* Spherical conductor.
Conceptual question
*Combinations of capacitors
In parallel
*Dielectric in a capacitor.
A dielectric is an insulating material in which all the electron are tightly bound to the nuclei of the atoms.
Do not allow current but allows development of electric .
•Charges are induced in dielectric
* Advantages of dielectric.
1) Provides stability to plates.
2). Prevent plate from sticking to each other.
3). Increase Capacitance.
*Capacitors with partially filled Dielectric.