Electric Resistance and Ohm's law.
*Electric current
Rate of flow of charge.
(I)=charge flow/time
I = Q/T
Iavg =ΔQ/ΔT=dq/dt
Current(I) does not follow vector law of addition .
" Current is a Tensor Quantity "
* Electrical resistance.
Unit of Resistance=Volt/Amper= ohms Ω
I= Vd en A
l= length of conductor
n= number of free electron per unit volume.
Free density
A=Area of cross section.
*Effect of temperature on Resistivity or Resistance.
*Colour code of carbon resistors.
1) Alloys- Nichrome manganin constantan
Resistivity nearly Independent of temperature.
1)Limitation - very high resistance cannot be obtained practically.
2) Carbonn register- Very high resistance very small in size. They are so small cannot see value of their resistance.
Shortcut trick off colour coding
*Current density.
* Ohm law
All physical condition remaining constant (like temperature)a conductor is directly proportional to the current flowing through the conductor.
R -resistance of conductor constant for ohmic condition
M =man of i - constant.
L= length of conductor
N.=Number of free electron
E =charge on electron
A=Area of cross section
- Conceptual Question -